July 09: Visit by Dr.-Ing. Reuschel, former doctoral student at our institute and currently working at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada. Mr. Reuschel presented his current field of work on the topic: “Development of Measurement Instrumenatation for Ionospheric Obersvation in the Canadian Arctric”.

June 20: Visit at TUHH by Dr. Mathias Magdowski, Scientific co-worker, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, within the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer program of the IEEE EMC Society. Invited talk on the topic of “Well Stirred is Half Measured – EMC Tests in Reverberation Chambers”

June 06: Visit and lecture by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener from the Institute for Ethics in Technology.

April 17: Get-together with the NIT team at our TET Institute.

April 05: Excellent defense by M. Sc. Michael Wulff on the topic “Numerical Analysis of Orbital Angular Momentum Waves Regarding Wave Propagation and Communication”.

March 26: Online talk given by Dr. Robert (Bob) Johnk, the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (NTIA/ITS), Boulder, Colorado, within the IEEE EMCS Distinguished Lecturer program co-invited by German, Poland and Benelux Chapters on the topic of “How to Perform Mobile Channel Measurements Using a CW System”. PDF

February 26: This year’s kick-off event of the IEEE German EMC Chapter took place at our Institute of Electromagnetic Theory In the picture from left to right: Dr. Cheng Yang, Prof. Florian Brauer, Florian Kopelke, Prof. Christian Schuster, Prof. Sebastian Koj (Chapter Chair), Dr. Ömer Yildiz, Michael Wulff and Prof. Stefan Dickmann.

February 19-23: Visit by Prof. Xinglong Wu (left) and PhD student Tomas Monopoli (right) from the Politecnico di Milano. During their five-day stay, they made laboratory measurements with our near-field scanner.

January 9: Guest lecture at the TUHH by Dr. Christian Karch, Expert – EM Design & Lightning Effects, Airbus Defence and Space on the topic: “Electromagnetic Radome Design”. PDF